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Blog- Rosspop`s 7mm LMS loco builds - Slaters Johnson 1P boiler build (3)

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I`m impressed with the fit accuracy of the parts, but there is not much lee way when it comes to tidying up the edges of individual parts. I`m finding that with the slightest of tidying up you can easily make some parts a tad too small.


I ended up with todays work preferring to make my own frame extensions to give more generous proportions and to add some rivets that are not catered for in the kit..............






As you can see, I should`nt have bothered to tidy the sides of the cylinder cover, cos now I`ve got to fill the gaps !!!



I hav`nt bothered with replacing the smoke box door either, I spent an enjoyable hour with files and wire wool cleaning her up.... filed of the awfull central loco number plate.




Anyhow I`m much happier with her smokebox `face` now



Before I finished for my tea and currant bun , I removed all excess metal behind the wheel splashers to prevent electrical shorting later on.....

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