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Blog- Ian_B_68's Blog - Class 55 Detailing and sound - Start of dismantling.

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Right, so I started compiling all my 55 parts, bodies etc to see where to start. I have a brand new No18 Ballymoss with sound, Complete No002 KOYLI, spare chassis and 2 more spare bodies so enough to be getting on with.
I purchased the etch sprung suspension kit from Ian at Penbits and whilst on the internet at the weekend I noticed that Hattons had No12 Crepello going cheap with a broken chassis so that is where it all begins.
Crepello arrived today so I have taken it apart to see what I've got.


Straight out the box.


Body open and a view inside, both ends of the chassis are damaged but that is it.


End result.


I already have a chassis that I converted the other week to house the speaker for the sound, this has had the ends cut down ready to take the etch buffer beam assembly. Once that is done it can be painted black.
Its now on with the assembly of the bogies and the etch sprung suspension kit.

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