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Blog- Northall - On the Road No. 1 – the process

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I wanted to keep it simple …
My starting points were:
- Using my favourite method for design
- Balanced colours
- Just low relief
For this purpose, I asked Scalescenes to provide my a picture of the back of a row of terraced cottages, he uses on his website. He kindly provided me the picture. Many thanks for that.
Then I realised I had “a lot” of not used prints. This could be the opportunity to use them.
Using my map, I searched for a scene to build.
My choice was to build J. Peterson Ltd on Grove Road.



For the building I took the garage from Scalescenes.



The used brick texture is from Clever Models. Sign self made. The door is a part from the Scalescenes garage.


I needed to present a yard “wall” or “fence”.
The see what would work best I made three possible sollutions (all scrapp parts)


A concrete fence (Railway Model Scenery)


A corrugated fence (Clever Models


Brick wall ((Railway Model Scenery)


On all three pictures you see just flat models.


The discussion with my partner gave the following result:
A corrugated fence (Clever Models), useful for a scrap yard or a bombed area
A concrete fence (Railway Model Scenery), is this right in the late 1950’s? I couldn’t find reference pictures.
Brick wall ((Railway Model Scenery) – gives a very balanced colour look.


So I will use the brick wall. But making photographs from the diorama I noticed another problem. It was very hard to make the pictures I had in mind this way.


I have found a solution, but more about that in my next entrée.


Can anyone give an answer or information of the use of concrete fences in the late 1950’s?


As always suggestions, etc., etc. … are welcome


Kind regards,

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