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White metal kits

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So about six months ago I took my son to a train show here in south Texas , and while I was making course through vendors that I know to have those wonderful old out of production goodies (that us train fanatics have our eye out for), I came across a small estate sale of old English OO scale white metal kits. Now, I am 46 years young , and as a kid I remember seeing these every "once and a blue moon" built by some pro model builder who was asking a small fortune for said kit. Needless to say I purchased eight of the kits hands down when I saw how little the person was asking for them. So here I am now six months later only to discover that some of these old companies are still making kits ? I had no idea Finecast was still in production. I have also since discovered DJH kits as well. I guess my question is are there any others that are still in production that my search engine cannot locate ? Perhaps M&L Premier kits or Nu-Cast still being produced perhaps under another name ? Thank you in advance for any info you could provide, and a thanks again for a few of you all who helped me out tracking down  assembly instructions for a few of the kits that I purchased .

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Some M&L kits have been "upgraded" and are now sold by Alan Gibson. Nu-Cast is out of production. The M&L kits sold by AG have etched footplates, cabs, etc. but are still a ways off from "modern".

I knew that AG produced wheels / axles, but I had no idea they produced the premier kits. I will have to give the web page another look. Thanks for the info.

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  • RMweb Premium

Nu-cast are not out of production. The range has been taken over by Dave at South Eastern Finecast and Brian at Branchlines. Cast parts are available from Dave for the whole range, but they are working through and re-releasing certain kits.


Andy G

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Good morning all


NuCast kits are being steadily reintroduced by South Eastern Finecast, but are not yet on his website. I bought two at the Epsom Exhibition on saturday. The castings are superior to those produced by NuCast.


Millholme kits are also being reissued by Stevenson Carriages.


Dave Alexander is producing some very good NER kits, but doesn't have a website.


Earslwood nob

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This link is a good starting point, as very few kit makers seem to have an up to date website (if a website at all) and unless they list an email address or you happen to be at a UK show where they have a stand then phoning them up would be the only option.




However, it might be an idea to check here first for 'inside' information on some of them because as you can see above 'this' kit is now distributed by 'that' manufacturer etc and getting up to date info can be a bit of a minefield. I know that shows to this day include Dave Alexander's web address even though he hasn't had that website for about three years.

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