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Hello from Canada.


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Hi everyone,

I am expat born and bred in Bolton lancs. been in Vancouver for a little over eight years now, been mainly military modelling since i got here but recently sold everything to make a start on another model railway, based on my old stomping ground in the North West, only got eight feet to go at but have managed to get a nice simple stabling point basic and simple being the watchword, will probably be asking some questions along the way, there is a lot of talent on here,

Thanks Steve.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Steve


Welcome to the forum!


I also an ex Lancastrian (/Scouser) now living in North Vancouver. I look forward to learning more details about your new layout


Kind regards



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Steve


Good to see you on here. I'm in Shawnigan Lake over on the island. James Peach, also on here, is not far from Victoria airport.





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I'm a little further than the airport.  We (BRMoV) have members as close as Pender Island to you :).  There is also Top Link in Vancouver/area, who do similar round robin meetings to us.  I live out on the west coast of the west coast, in Shirley.  (& my real name is James Powell, I just go by Peach James because 1.  I am fuzzy like one 2. James and the Giant Peach ). 


Anyway, welcome to RMWeb, which is a nice fun place.  Andy Y. does a good job of moderating the forums, so enjoy it here.  If you come over to the island ever, let me know if you want to visit- I'm happy to host, and as a club we are always interested in visitors.



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