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New layout - Wolverhampton


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I am looking to create a N gauge DCC layout of Wolverhampton high level station (modern image).


I have already constructed my boards and have started to lay my track.


If any one can help with photos of the station buildings and surrounding features.



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  • RMweb Gold



Phil beat me to it, but there's also the "Stour Valley" Flickr group which is admin'ed by Bescotbeast of this parish.  You might also want to track down a copy of the "Rail Centres Wolverhampton" book published by Ian Allan in 1990, which although it does drone on a bit about the inferior copper kettle factory at Stafford Road and the station down in the basement of High Level that used to be run by some obscure West London based outfit, does have some good pictures and coverage of the rebuild.

Good luck with the layout, I have fond memories of High Level in the 1980s and 1990s.

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I am currently trying to workout what colour my rail edges should be there is a lot of talk about rail match sleeper grime / Phoenix ??????


Airbrush / paintbrush / spray can ??????


Any ideas




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Hi Graeme,


Wolverhampton sounds like a very good choice, you say Modern Image but have you fixed a year?


Regards painting track, as you say there are plenty of ways to do it. I have used Humbrol 29 for the rail sides and then airbrushed the ballast. This has been done in sections and the colour slightly adjusted each time to provide variety i.e. track ballasted at different times if that makes sense.





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  • RMweb Gold


I am currently trying to workout what colour my rail edges should be there is a lot of talk about rail match sleeper grime / Phoenix ??????

Airbrush / paintbrush / spray can ??????

Any ideas



Hi Graeme there are lots of various paints colours etc but I find Phoenix rusty rails really good, I then use various powders to weather the track and gunmetal blue mixed with black for oil stains, but that's just what I find easy. Just get a test piece of track and have a go at what your comfy with, you might find an airbrush better then powders etc.


Good luck an hope that helps :)



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Hi Graeme there are lots of various paints colours etc but I find Phoenix rusty rails really good, I then use various powders to weather the track and gunmetal blue mixed with black for oil stains, but that's just what I find easy. Just get a test piece of track and have a go at what your comfy with, you might find an airbrush better then powders etc.


Good luck an hope that helps :)



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Hi Graeme there are lots of various paints colours etc but I find Phoenix rusty rails really good, I then use various powders to weather the track and gunmetal blue mixed with black for oil stains, but that's just what I find easy. Just get a test piece of track and have a go at what your comfy with, you might find an airbrush better then powders etc.


Good luck an hope that helps :)





I have a small test piece I was going to practice everything before hitting Wolverhampton

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Hi Graeme there are lots of various paints colours etc but I find Phoenix rusty rails really good, I then use various powders to weather the track and gunmetal blue mixed with black for oil stains, but that's just what I find easy. Just get a test piece of track and have a go at what your comfy with, you might find an airbrush better then powders etc.


Good luck an hope that helps :)





I am looking to set this around 2010 as I am hoping to run some Rapido Pendolino's . But also I have one steam locomotive I was going to run a steam special




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Hi Graeme

Looking forward to this. Unfortunately I don't have many pictures of Wolverhampton as I'm normally driving through it, but any questions you do have regarding track layout, signalling etc please feel free to ask as I can probably be of assistance.

Here is a couple of pictures I do have of 6Z35 Tinsley to Coton Hill stone empties. Unusually, I got stopped in the platform so I thought it would be rude not to grab a photo whilst stationary.






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Thanks Marcus


Somebody with eyes on the inside sort of thing.


That would be great if you can help.


Next time you have a ride through can you take a cab ride video I'm modelling from the junction that heads to Preston to the bridge and junction to the south just outside the station





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Here is a couple of pictures I do have of 6Z35 Tinsley to Coton Hill stone empties.


What type of wagons are behind your 66.


What other types of freight would regularly go through Wolverhampton .





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Hi Graeme,


Really looking forward to seeing this. I was one of the announcers at Wolverhampton between 1998 & 2012. I've seen it change over the years from when we used to announce from the Power box, from just the 3 through Platfroms & holding sidings to when the new platform 4 was constructed. Also the traction from loco hauled to Pendolino's, Voyagers etc. I will deffinitely be following this with interest ;)


All the best,


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Hi Graeme,


Really looking forward to seeing this. I was one of the announcers at Wolverhampton between 1998 & 2012. I've seen it change over the years from when we used to announce from the Power box, from just the 3 through Platfroms & holding sidings to when the new platform 4 was constructed. Also the traction from loco hauled to Pendolino's, Voyagers etc. I will deffinitely be following this with interest ;)


All the best,


Thanks Mark


What types of freight travelled through Wolverhampton in 2010 era?





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Thanks Mark


What types of freight travelled through Wolverhampton in 2010 era?






Hi Graeme,


From what I remember the main one's were the Bescot to Ironbridge coal trains which passed through regular on Platform 4. Mainly a class 66 either in EWS or Frightliner green livery.

Very Occasionally oil tank trains would go through though this was quiet rare, usually if the heath town to Bushbury junction (station avoiding line) was blocked.


Apart from that there wasn't that much freight that went through Wolves station itself.


Hope this helps,




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Hi Graeme,


From what I remember the main one's were the Bescot to Ironbridge coal trains which passed through regular on Platform 4. Mainly a class 66 either in EWS or Frightliner green livery.

Very Occasionally oil tank trains would go through though this was quiet rare, usually if the heath town to Bushbury junction (station avoiding line) was blocked.


Apart from that there wasn't that much freight that went through Wolves station itself.


Hope this helps,




Yeah any information helps as I don't really know much about the station and area .





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Here is a couple of pictures I do have of 6Z35 Tinsley to Coton Hill stone empties.


What type of wagons are behind your 66.


What other types of freight would regularly go through Wolverhampton .






Hi Graeame

The wagons in that picture are Aggregate Industries JGA hopper wagons.  We do have an early morning run as well occasionally which utilises JNA box wagons.

You would be surprised what freight you can get away with through Wolverhampton. If the section of line from Portobello Junction to Bushbury Junction is shut for engineering work at weekends or overnight then most of the freight will be diverted via Heath town and through Wolves. A while ago now but I encountered the Cliffe Vale China Clay passing through the station on a Saturday. 

Another interesting working for the period your modelling, although not freight, will be the Wrexham and Shropshire services to and from Marylebone. 



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Hi Graeame

The wagons in that picture are Aggregate Industries JGA hopper wagons.  We do have an early morning run as well occasionally which utilises JNA box wagons.

You would be surprised what freight you can get away with through Wolverhampton. If the section of line from Portobello Junction to Bushbury Junction is shut for engineering work at weekends or overnight then most of the freight will be diverted via Heath town and through Wolves. A while ago now but I encountered the Cliffe Vale China Clay passing through the station on a Saturday. 

Another interesting working for the period your modelling, although not freight, will be the Wrexham and Shropshire services to and from Marylebone. 



What runs on the Wrexham to Shropshire service


I am trying to run true to life length trains as well. The station will be a I think as true to size as possible with some extra due to corners but I am trying to model as much as I can for example the under bridges and hopefully get the overhead power lines in as well .





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Hi Graeame

The wagons in that picture are Aggregate Industries JGA hopper wagons.  We do have an early morning run as well occasionally which utilises JNA box wagons.




How many would have been behind your 66





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What runs on the Wrexham to Shropshire service


I am trying to run true to life length trains as well. The station will be a I think as true to size as possible with some extra due to corners but I am trying to model as much as I can for example the under bridges and hopefully get the overhead power lines in as well .






These did mate.


The service shut down in 2011 unfortunately due to supposed financial problems. Although there's quite a few conspiracy theories. It was a superb service mainly hampered by restrictions imposed on them due to being an open access operator. Wonders of the modern railway for you.

When the service finished the sets were transferred to Chiltern for their Kidderminster / Birmingham Moor Street - Marylebone services.



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