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Blog- Stevethomas6444's modelling blog. - Delivery! - Bachmann class 205.

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About an hour ago, I took delivery of Bachmann's Class 205 DEMU in de-branded NSE livery. Just wow, the amount of detail is amazing and the livery application is brilliant :) I won't go into a detailed review as that has been done many times by other railway modellers but I will say this, get one!


This particular model was announced some time ago by Kernow Model Railway Centre and it did look appealing to me as I did see these units in the NSE days. The price, which was £239, was far too steep and the few that went on eBay went for even more! I found this very off-putting and thought I would leave this one well and truly alone until recently....


I had a look on Rails of Sheffield (do I have to say that in hushed tones?) and found that they were having a sale on Bachmann stock. Scrolling down and there was the Thumper at £179! Still quite a bit of money in my eyes but I couldn't say no to a bargain! I had to convince the missus that it is a worthwhile purchase and got it! Thing is, with this and the pre-ordered Capital Commuter train pack, these will be my last train purchases for the year (in theory ;) ).



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