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Blog- On The Workbench - 'Midhurst' - a case for horsepower....

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<p>I've been working regularly with my client on the 'Midhurst' model - mainly concentrating on track & point electrics<br />(not my strong point...) a couple of weeks ago we had a VERY frustrating day, when, no matter what we did, we could not<br />get a point to correctly polarise the crossing.</p><p> </p><p>

The second factor in this tale is the timesetting for the model. 1860... The only horsepower available was,<br />well, horsepower!</p><p> </p><p>

So as a little compensation for the 'wasted' hours, I made this</p><p> </p><p>

</p><p> </p><p>

from the 'Dart Castings' Governess Cart'. Happily the client loved it. Annoyingly we traced the issue to a faulty switch in the<br />point motor!</p><div id='attach_wrap' class='rounded clearfix'>

<h4>Attached thumbnail(s)</h4>



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<a class='resized_img' rel='lightbox[17842]' id='ipb-attach-url-710351-0-52318000-1463005173' href="http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/monthly_05_2016/blogentry-3469-0-86893700-1463004266.jpg"title="Governess cart.jpg - Size: 59.38KB, Downloads: 0"><img src="http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/monthly_05_2016/blogentry-3469-0-86893700-1463004266_thumb.jpg" id='ipb-attach-img-710351-0-52318000-1463005173' style='width:800;height:535' class='attach' width="800" height="535" alt="Attached Image" /></a>







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