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Bachmann class 40

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This may work assuming Bachmann have used the same wiring as their 37


Link 1 and 2 - number 2 end tail lights

Link 3 and 4 - number 1 end tail lights

Link 5 and 6 - cab lights

Use temp links to check it works first before committing to soldering


I have a spare tank switch assy removed from a Bach 47 provided it's the same (be tomorrow before I can check) it could be swapped with your damaged one




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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Scooter, I have a duff Class 40 circuit board on the table in front of me just this minute.  I couldn't get the cab lights to function and took the whole engine apart to look at the Switch unit in the tank.  The cab light switch had two wires whilst the switch for the running lights has four wires.  I concluded that terminals 1 and 4 were for the cab lights.  Shorting them out did not bring my lights back on - hence the purchase of a new PCB.  Problem now solved.


I couldn't figure out how the running lights were supposed to work but since mine were working I did not pursue this aspect.


Hope this helps






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I've now checked one of my own 40's so please disregard my previous post


Cab Lights -    Link  No 1 to 4 


Tail lights  -      Link  No 2 to 5  and  No 3 to 6


the above should bypass the tank switches


Let us know how you get on 



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