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Clare (Suffolk) goods shed

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I'm in the process of drawing up the good shed of Clare prior to trying to model in 4mm scale. In the drawing process I have been counting bricks on on photographs as the building currently stands but have some questions about what was original and when various changes were made. I'm hoping someone with knowledge of the Stour Valley line can help.




Obviously the original good shed was built in a very similar way to Ongar for which drawings were published in the GERS journal many years ago. As it stands Clare Goods shed was clearly rebuilt, the end facing the platforms is a different bond and the arched entrances over the track was replaced with a squared lintel.  In the 1953 aerial photograph is available on disused stations http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/c/clare/index51.shtml


In this picture it appears that the goods shed has been re-roofed and the original sky-lights have been removed. However it is mush harder to see what has happened to the awnings over the road doors. Ongar appears to have had a full length canopy which went all the way along the road side of the building and not just over the door entrances. The only older photographs of Clare from this side I can find are in the GERS journal (150) which have no canopy at all by 1967. I can still make out what might have been stone quoins the base of the canopy in the 1971 photos. The notes on the picture state 'the roof may have been completely replaced and the overhanging area supported by four large cast iron brackets has also been removed.


So, at what point did Clare have the canopy removed? Was it taken down before ~1953 possibly at the same time the building was re-roofed? Or was there some interim arrangement whereby the original full length canopy (presuming it was originally like Ongar) which would have had 6 cast iron brackets was cut or rebuilt to just cover the areas directly over the goods entrances?  This would have given the road side a look a bit like Wivenhoe http://www.clactonandfrintongazette.co.uk/resources/images/2812758/


Any advice would be gratefully received.



David Barham

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It does seem that Clare was neglected by the numerous photographers who visited the Stour Valley line (and branches) in the post-war period.


I'm sure you're familiar with the entry for the Grade II listing of the goods shed - https://www.historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1413396 - but note the reference to a 2012 item compiled by two gentlemen who may be contacted via the GERS Yahoo Group.  (Which may be a better place to post your questions).

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