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W W 2 Southern King Project Question

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Hi .. Tying to put together a SR King in W W 2 black livery. Anyone know if a current Super Detail body will mount successfully on an old Margate chassis .... I don't mind a bit of filing as long as the basic fit is comfortable .... anyone ? Thanks !

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King Arthur .. and I'm on a bit of a budget .. ...


If you already have the new generation body, it's probably worth scanning eBay every so often as a new-generation chassis may well pop up. That's how I got hold of one.


The old Tri-ang chassis is quite narrow so you'd probably get away with it - but why on earth would you want to.............



This. It's not really a good idea, even on cost grounds. The very coarse flanges of the driving wheels on the old chassis may not sufficiently clear the splashers on the modern body moulding. Even if you could do it, you would end up with a very odd-looking result.

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You will be very much 'on your own' in getting the old mechanism to fit. The potential problem is that the current model's body is a true scale job made to fit on a matching mechanism with a scale wheelbase, and with an internal layout designed to fit within the body. 


Hornby back in the Margate era cheerfully 'adjusted' loco bodies from true scale, to fit a stock mechanism with a wheelbase that may well be somewhat off scale for the type, and with a motor that often stood very tall. Trying to get this old stock chassis with coarser wheels inside a scale body you may find any of:

Coupled wheelbase longer  than - or out of position with respect to - the splashers,

Coupled wheels too wide for the splashers,

Top of motor goes right through the boiler top if the body is to be positioned at correct height.


I am sorry if that is not very encouraging, but it is as well to know what you have to consider, before laying out any money.

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