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Flying Scotsmans aplenty


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I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere but upon checking Dapol's development page, there appear to be 5 variants of the Flying Scotsman on the way (anticipated arrival in August). So soon you will be able to purchase both this and the valanced A4, the mainstay of my childhood train set!


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I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere but upon checking Dapol's development page, there appear to be 5 variants of the Flying Scotsman on the way (anticipated arrival in August). So soon you will be able to purchase both this and the valanced A4, the mainstay of my childhood train set!


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I see they have not wasted the opportunity; the two A1 versions look appealing - to go with my existing GF/Minitrix and Dapol FS! 

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I do hope they have the right tenders-


001, 005 could have a corridor tender


002, 003, 004 should have an A4 non-corridor tender, but the high-sided non-corridor tender is the nearest tooling at present.


Apart from possibly 004 they should all be right hand drive (all existing Dapol A3s are left hand drive.)




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