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Mayford London

Gary White

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Mayford London


Wellcome to the start of a new layout build after retiring the exhibition layout Cricketters Green which now has a new home in the Isle of Man.


After some down time it was time to start another project that was a little smaller


Layout Details


Mayford 1980s-Network Southeast era 


Size-12ftx2ft- 3600mmx600mm

Scenic area


4ftx2ft 1200mmx6oomm 

Fiddle Yard


EM Gauge


NCE Power Pro control system 


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i have posted some photographs of the test fitting of the track work just to make sure it fits the layout is two level with a two platform station on the upper level with a EMU siding on the lower level there is a cement siding run round loop and a parcel siding 

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Track under construction 


I used Colin Craigs excellent flat bottom turnout kits for the track on the upper level these take some time to build as they have to be soldered but make a very strong section of track 

Colin even does the hard work for you and pre assembles the V section and provides all the gauges you need to make them up 


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I will post a track plan ASAP when i scan it into the Mac 


When we had cricketers Green all the track was laid already we only made repairs to it .


So i was faced with making all the track for Mayford in EM gauge


As luck would have it the South Hants Club had made jigs so that you can produce Vs and correct V and wing rails and switch blades this made it easy to produce the turnouts for the lower level as kit of parts and i even managed to print some temples using templot and now are making this formation on one large board on the work bench


I made all the lighting boxes and back scene as well so to frame the layout also it saves damage as well the baseboards were made for me by a kind club member and they are excellent 

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Track construction 


I have been finishing the track for the low level yard this week made from C and l components its still on the building board the track was made using SHMRC EMGS track gauge

These help you get the track straight and lined up when making it 




Track Gauges 


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Above picture


The first gauge it does not look much WOOD BLOCK with brass etch this allows you to assemble the V section and wing rails together using brass or copper clad strips the notches relate to the same sleeper spacing on the track template

Next time i will use thin brass strip as this makes the assembly lower 


The second gauge is the V rail gauge this allows you to form V rails to the correct type and then use the jig to solder the assembly together it helps if you put a scrap piece of wood to support the V rail when you solder it together.


The third gauge is the switch rail gauge it helps you make switch rails to the correct profile 

V Rail constructed using the gauge 

Some of the finished track



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Mayford  Update


I have been busy completing the upper level whilst i have had a couple of days off from work this week the upper level consists of the station area and one siding

This was made from good quality  9mm plywood and 70mmx17mm timber from the local timber merchants


I made a notch in the timber using a router bit and using some timber strip wood glued the whole assembly down to the base board.


I then run a DCC bus with droppers attached for the track when it is laid the DCC bus connects to the main bus under the baseboard 



Upper level 

Upper level



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Mayford Update


Hi everybody


i have been busy over the last couple of weeks all the cork has been glued down to the base boards and i have started to work out where the track work is going on the upper level


I am going to start with the upper level first work from one end i have been checking clearances using a loco and rolling stock to make sure every thing is in the right place 

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The buildings in the back ground are skytrex  i am just seeing where to place them as buildings in the London area are close to the railway 


I also have some walthers cornerstone buildings to use 


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