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Mordaunt Street


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This is an introduction to my layout that depicts part of the London Road extension line of the former Caledonian Railway between Strathclyde Junction and London Road Junction in the south east of Glasgow. In the 19th century this part of Glasgow was heavily developed with a wide variety of industries and many of these were served by the railways.


The model represents a fictitious station built to service the considerable number of workmen and women who commuted to the area each day. The station building is located in Mordaunt Place which itself provides road access to one of the factories and its offices. The station building is based on the last remaining part of the old Caledonian Railway Hamilton Central station. It survives as a fireplace showroom.


The photograph shows the recently completed model of the signal box.  This is based on the LMS Type 12 that survives at Longforgan on the line between Perth and Dundee.




The layout will be one of the exhibits at GlasGOw 2016 - Scotland's largest O gauge only exhibition that takes place this weekend - details in the exhibition and events calendar here:




It's a friendly, sociable event so if you come along you will be made most welcome.



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Hi John


Thanks for the kind words.


I was fortunate to obtain a copy of drawings from a fellow member of the Strathclyde O Gauge Group - thanks Charlie.


The main window frames are all Plastruct sections and the smaller 4 pane windows are laser-cut frames that I picked up at Telford from a German manufacturer.  The main carcase is card with Slater's embossed brick, staircase is from Kitwood Hill models and the roof is card - individual slates for effect.  Interior fittings are from Invertrain.



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