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Does anyone know if this company :-  "Premier Components" is still trading please ?


I have sent them two emails, one to bill@premiercomponents.co.uk and the other to sales@premiercomponents.co.uk. as per their web-site

Both were returned "unable to deliver"


I telephoned three times and got a recorded message "not available", on the first and I was told to leave a message, but was cut-off half way through.

The two other times, I was told that I couldn't leave a message, but I should telephone later.


I am not convinced on this showing, that writing a letter to them will produce a response.


Is this typical of this company - I hope not.



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Does anyone know if this company :-  "Premier Components" is still trading please ?


I have sent them two emails, one to bill@premiercomponents.co.uk and the other to sales@premiercomponents.co.uk. as per their web-site

Both were returned "unable to deliver"


I telephoned three times and got a recorded message "not available", on the first and I was told to leave a message, but was cut-off half way through.

The two other times, I was told that I couldn't leave a message, but I should telephone later.


I am not convinced on this showing, that writing a letter to them will produce a response.


Is this typical of this company - I hope not.




I bought from there successfully in April and got very good service



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  • RMweb Premium

They were certainly trading at the O gauge show at Leigh at the back end of April. Please remember that like many traders, this is pretty much a one man band doing it part time.


It may be that there has been a family holiday for a couple of weeks and that the answering machine is full.


I can't offer any explanation about the returned emails though.


I will be going to the show at Doncaster and will ask if they have experienced any email problems.

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Thank you for all your information - I've just read this at another topic re. joining Premier Component rods :--


"You may need to patience if you intend to phone Bill, and after a few attempts you might have better luck making contact via snail mail." 


I was enquiring as to whether 7' 6" x 9' 0" plain rods could be produced, as I don't see them listed anywhere. Does anyone happen to know if "specials" can be made please ?

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If you can't get them from Premier Components, try JPL Models at Tyldesley who will oblige.


Just to add, I usually write to Premier Components by boring old letter-in-envelope, and the system seems to work well. Failing that, they are best caught at exhibitions. Although they do at least have a web presence, which is more than can be said for many small traders.

Edited by Poggy1165
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  • 1 year later...
  • 10 months later...

Just had some motion parts from him, came almost by return of my order, which was by email.


He only takes chaques, and invoices you once you have the parts.

Saw him at Doncaster, then ordered online chassis in May. No reply.  Messaged again in July to see if he'd received the order. Again no reply. What gives?

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  • 10 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Emailed Premier Components last Friday afternoon to request some milled, split coupling rods for my GWR 2021 class.

Arrived home from work today to find them waiting for me!:)  Exactly what I asked for, posted in a sturdy box and arriving in less than four days after I requested them. 


Excellent service as far as I’m concerned!

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