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In simple words, yes.

It took a long time to repaint a whole loco fleet and there were many 'partials' - for example BR number but LNER lettering.

Probably somewhere there is chapter and verse on exactly when each loco was repainted, but it's not my period so I can't point you at it.

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The green books published by the RCTS will give a guide, but there are lots of them






Also Yeadons Registers of LNER locos, but there are lots of those as well






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It wasn't quite as straightforward as that for many passenger locos, because a few experimental liveries were tried before lined green was chosen.


The LNER had begun re-numbering all their locos before nationalisation, which added to the confusion.


Some locos had an E added as a prefix, and some did not. Others had BRITISH RAILWAYS added to tenders or tank sides, others did not.


Basically it was a minefield, and the best option is to propose a few numbers and then hope a photo can be found in the right year.

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  • RMweb Premium

It would be helpful to know the area and classes you wish to model. If the BR emblem first appeared in - what? - September 1949, and LNER lettering lasted on some locos until around 1954, then there's a clear overlap. But mixed in between you have E-numbers and "BRITISH RAILWAYS" lettering. Scottish locos tended to keep old paint longer as Cowlairs was famously tight. Minor locos, too, were more likely to keep obsolete liveries. 



If you choose a specific loco class someone kind with a Yeadon's will tell you the first date after 1948 the loco was shopped, and that will tell you how long it kept its LNER livery. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Also be aware that "LNER Livery" can be just as much a minefield as the early BR liveries.


Between 39 and 45 locos that required repaining were (mainly) repainted into LNER black - if  not already black.  Post ar some repainting did occur I believe) So f you are looking at pre-war LNER apple green mixed with BR liveries, then relatively few locos would fit the bill

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