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vertical engine

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Got a vertical engine at the weekend from a car boot sale any one know were I can get some similar one's from and some similar Ngauge scale Boilers please.


Thinking of making a model mill engine with a goods siding.





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Just a thought but most mill engines were big horizontal twin cylinder/compound engines, they drove a fly wheel which was grooved to take an endless rope to drive all the machinery in the mill. Most of them had Lancashire boilers. These were as a general rule only cleaned once a year during the annual holiday "wakes week" The engine was usually in it's own engine house. If you are ever near to Wigan go to Wigan pier there is a beautiful engine preserved near there hope this helps



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Just searched the net. type in "mill engines" and you will see what I mean about size some good photo's to look over. You could use your engine for a small drive for a table saw or an early planeing machine. Belt driven of course with minimal guards


All the best Steve

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