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Ivatt Class 4 tender


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Can anyone enlighten me as to the difference between the tenders fitted to the Ivatt ex-LMS Class 4 and the ones fitted to the BR Standard Class 4?

I have an Ivatt loco (Bachmann) looking for a tender and wondered if the Standard one was suitable (with modifications if necessary).

Thank you.

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They are considerably different. The Ivatt tender is more angular and has a proper tender cab front, a deeper main body and shallower coal bunker, and that's just the more obvious differences. The Ivatt frames have plain axle boxes and simple strip metal steps, the Standard has roller bearing axles and BR style steps.


The conversion from a Standard 4MT tender to an Ivatt tender would be a complete rebuild rather than a modification.


BachmannIvatt tender





Bachmann Standard tender



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