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Blog- Stevethomas6444's modelling blog. - The 'I want' list.

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<p>Admit it, we all have a list of trains we really want. Some of us are lucky to get them right that second and others have to wait for a Birthday or Christmas to come along. For a while it has been a waiting game for both to come along to get a much wanted Loco/DMU/EMU and recently it has turned into impulse buying whenever I see what I really want. The two recent purchases, the 33 and 205 were a step too far in impulse buying and now I have to refrain from browsing on eBay and online model retailers. It's not just trains that I have a bit of an extensive list for, model buses are also included as I like collecting them. I'll have to take a back seat and once I get the Capital Commuter train pack, that will be it until my Birthday in September and Christmas. </p><p> </p><p>

I am very happy with the current fleet that I have and they fit the chosen era/area perfectly minus a few tiny variations, the 50 and 166 never worked on the Kent Link area but I like them a lot. Future releases, such as the Bachmann 2-HAP will have to wait until the price goes down(wishful thinking).</p>


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