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Blog- Knuckles' RWS, P4 & SCC Blog - 1st P4 Layout Update

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Well well well, it's been a while hasn't it?


My small 1FT x 6FT P4 layout (Ok exalted test plank) has been gathering much dust. A layout of this size people typically complete in 2 months but I've been at it 4 or whatever years due to other commitments and bone idleness.


So here is an update. The area that was going to be a railway bridge, I said I buggered prospects of that up in an earlier entry due to the Dingham electro-magnets being in the way (Lack of planning!). As a result I turned it into a pedestrian subway.


Now it makes sod all sense unless the subway was cut before the railway but I don't care. This layout is a flexible testing ground for new ideas and experimentation, light hearted modelling at a whim. So...








As a 1st attempt at rocks I'm pleased with how easy and effective it was.

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