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Bachmann dynamis


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Hi all....Help please.... just fitted a Hornby decoder and a Bachmann decoder to 2 locos and programmed all ok with my powercab for a friend... he uses a Bachmann dynamis ultima controller and cannot get the one fitted with a Bachmann decoder to run yet with the the powercab it does...we have tried programming using the dynamis and it accepts it and runs on the powercab but not dynamis it is a Bachmann 36-566 railcom equipped decoder.... any ideas?

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Did you number it into the range 100-127 ???

Depending on your system, this may be interpreted as a short address (1-127) set by CV1, or a long address set by CV17+18  and CV 29 either 6 or 38, for example.


Lenz Expressnet based system recommendation was to use 1-99 only for short addresses, and 100+ as long address.

The NMRA recommendation is to use 1-127 as a short address, and 128+ as long address (or extended address)


Roco follow Lenz recommendation, but ZTC did not - and followed the nmra recommendation.  The Bachmann EZ dcc controller avoids the problem by only using the range 1-10, and I do not know which Hornby use with their Elite  ... all these being Expressnet users. (The Select only having restricted addressing or use)


The Bachmann Dynamis was designed for them by or in conjunction with ESU - so may follow their preferences

One US controller uses leading zeroes, (or no leading zeroes) to be able to control both forms of 100-127.


Have you tried a simple test with Loco = 3 with both ???

What numbers did you try??


if outside the 100-127 range, it will be a different solution.

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The NCE  Powercab certainly uses the zeros or not option. The cab will set short addresses from 0 to 127,  however as noted by Phil S not all systems will accept locos addresses from 100 to 127.

There is the option with NCE to use a leading 0 for the range 0 to 127. I don't use this option as it won't work with other systems.



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Hi Phil... both locos are set using a long address(cab no"s) using the powercab.... both are fine using the powercab ......using the dynamis only the loco with the Hornby decoder works ..the one with the Bachmann decoder does not... if you program it using the dynamis it accepts long and short  addresses but does not work... but putting on the powercab it will!... we have used one of my locos(pannier) on both by programing to  different addresses (long & short) and all is fine using both systems... the only difference is the decoder in the loco which has railcom plus equipped?

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I wonder if the older dynamis (or if it is not a pro) doesn't work with railcom. It appears the new ultima does. 


Hi britfarmer.... it is an ultima.... the instructions say it is compatible with railcom....the other loco was fitted with a Hornby decoder and mine have dcc concepts.. zen with stay alive... they all work ok with it.. its just the Bachmann one giving us grief!.... :banghead:

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  • RMweb Gold

Which model of Bachmann Decoder is it?


It does sound a bit odd, that a Hornby decoder works and a Bachmann one doesn't!

Is it possible to turn railcom off in the decoder and then try it?

What Manufacturer ID number does it come back with when you read the CV, might be CV 8


Is it just the original Dynamis (no pro box?)





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Which model of Bachmann Decoder is it?


It does sound a bit odd, that a Hornby decoder works and a Bachmann one doesn't!

Is it possible to turn railcom off in the decoder and then try it?

What Manufacturer ID number does it come back with when you read the CV, might be CV 8


Is it just the original Dynamis (no pro box?)






No pro box..... the decoder is a Bachmann 36-566...

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  • RMweb Gold

Cross post, so its the Dynamis Ultima system.

Very strange, as I've already said, see if its possible to turn off Railcom and see if that makes a difference.

Other than that, as Britfarmer says, speak to Bachmann.





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