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Gavin's Gauge3 fiddlings

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Am starting a thread to show some of my workings in Gauge3.   Be-warned I am the worlds slowest modeler and am very easily distracted by new projects!


A couple of things am working on.


An FEA-B container flat, its going to be big at 900mm long each,  so far am working on the bogies which will be resin cast from 3d printed masters over a brass/nickel silver etch.  The body will be laser cut ply.




Also converting a Bachmann Thomas the Tank and coaches to Gauge3.  Working on the coach have widened the gauge, fitted bearings and compensation.





Am fitting lights controlled by wifi from my phone.  Next need to add interier partitions and seats.  Using my phone I can switch the lights on and off and dim them.  It also reports back the battery voltage.






Will update as I go along

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Hi Gav


I hope you'r the guy i think, I'm the one that dabbles in G3 with the Horsebox.  Looks good what you have cooking. Lets try and get a G3 BANNER showing in the index.

Are you going up to GC show, if so see you there.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, so youre essentially scaling up 4mm and 7mm practices. While not my first choice, I can easily see the merrit to that strategy. Much less fiddling around with tiny springs and sliding surfaces.


So you have a black 5 in the works, an FEA-B, and you're modifying Bachmann products.

Are you building just what interests you, or is there some elaborate plan Im not seeing.

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You are looking for logic where there is simply none. The black 5 a friend is doing am just doing the axle boxes for him. The FEA-B I see going past one of the places I work and just like them. The Bachmann stuff is a test bed for electronics and for the kids (and maybe a bit to annoy the rivet counters).


Almost done one the FEA-B bogie etch so might have real modelling soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

a quick update,  both the axlebox and bogie side are back ready for mould making.




Hard to see the detail on this




An etch for the rest of the bogie is being etched at the moment, still need to work on brake shoes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Work on the Bogie ground to a halt due to lost chuck key for piller dril.  So had a play with some electronics.   I have not been impressed with the current stock of radio control gear for larger gauges so I decided to make my own.



I have taken a Bachmann Thomas the Tank, regauged it to Gauge 3.   On board are batterys, a NodeMCU running arduino code and a motor control board.   The NodeMCU contects via wifi to a Raspberry Pi3 running OpenHAB a home automation server,  all phones or tablets can then connect to this to control the loco.   Still a few kinks to iron out, but its a low cost radio control solution.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Haha, in the smaller scales, a fall from a desk can be a bit heartstopping. In G3, something falling like that has your heart jump out of your throat.

Lucky it wasnt damaged, though it was a bogie and not a finished wagon.

Im sure the brakes look fine. The bogie sides look to well cover the area.

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  • 2 months later...

Looks very interesting, and massive, would love to do something this size although space is prohibitive well and money!!! Very nice work are you doing the etched work and casting your self ? 



I am doing the designing the etches myself.  I used CAD to design the spigots and then a master was 3d printed and cast for me.  One day I will try casting in brass myself, the resin bits I do cast myself


its going to be huge at 1.8m long!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the start of a Class 22 Kit - I'm intending this will be a one-piece resin body with etch detail. 


I have to print each section detail by detail then link it all together. 


 What scale is this going to be Steve, please say Gauge 3 ??!!

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