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East Anglia 08 mid 60's livery question

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Could any one tell me please what livery (if they had reached this far)an 08 would have in East Anglia round 1965/66?




Here is a link to a PDF with GE shed allocations 1952-1990:




You will see that Stratford had the earlier class 11's from 1952 and they also could be found at Parkeston and other places. By 1959 08's had arrived at Stratford, Cambridge, March and Parkeston. It wasn't until the later years and the demise of the smaller class of shunters, 04/05 etc that 08's spread across East Anglia, Colchester, Ipswich, Norwich alongside the class 11's.



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Thanks for that info. Wasn't sure if wasp stripes were around then. So by the mid 60's 08's were at Harwich for sure. Has anyone info if they were round the Norwich, Yarmouth or Dereham area? Thanks!



We have had a thread on the subject of when class 08 locos were allocated to Norwich here



the first three class 08s arrived at Norwich in 1976,



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For what it is worth, Cambridge used 03 on passenger shunting, with 08 on goods yard work. In addition ex LMS type 12134 & 12136 were also Cambridge goods shunters. And for the record Chesterton Junction PW yard had the 2x Departmental 03 (91,92) as well.



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