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Thornaby's last shunters


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the excellent "Shed by Shed" books (part 8) lists the following shunters

08577/82/633/806/813/995 and two Class 09s 09106 and 09204  as being allocated to Thornaby as at 1998 (where the book ends)


has anyone any ideas when these left Thornaby and specifically when the last one did?


I presume no other locos were allocated, especially mainline ones after this time up to closure?

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I was a driver at Thornaby between 2000 and 2009 and we had an allocation of 08s all through this period. It became EWS policy to rotate shunters around the country as overhauls and repairs were required so no individual loco hung around for long.


As I was being made redundant in 2009 it was announced that no further shunting would be done at Tees and all the driver operators were made redundant too. I believe that any shunting after this time would have been done with the train loco.


Two derelict 08s were in a siding in Tees Yard until recently but they have now gone for scrap.

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I don't condone the practice of trespassing, but a quick scan of some urban exploration websites shows some 08/09s presumably stored unserviceable at Thornaby TMD after closure (ca. 2010) , the site in question is www.28dayslater.co.uk so I'd guess some would have ended there days there and gone off to the cutting torches, I think some 56s did also.


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  • RMweb Premium

I have records of the following from random visits when passing on the A19;

08495 active in EWS from May 2006 until March 2007

08597 stored in EWS March 2007

08698 stored in EWS March 2007

08776 active in BR grey August 2007 until August 2008

08813 on just two wheelsets in BR grey from May until September 2006

08888 in a wide yellow banded EWS during January 2007

08995 in a grey banded EWS during January 2007

09104 in derelict BR grey from December 2006 until March 2007

09205 active in BR grey from May 2006 until May 2007


The RES example is possibly 08711, small numbers...




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