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Bachmann 2epb judder


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Hi all


Hoping you can help with this one.  I have a green Bachmann Class 416 2epb that, until a day or so ago ran well.


I'd taken it off the layout for various reasons, about a week ago, along with a couple of loco's.


When I put it back on the track, it just started juddering forwards, light's flickering on and off, also if I turned the speed up on the NCE Power Cab to about 9 or 10 it ran fine till I turned it back down to 0


It wouldn't do reverse either. Decoder is a LaisDcc and have had no problems with any of these decoders.


Any help please guys, many thanks

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Just  a  quick  reply  probably  not the  answer  BUT  I  have  had  a lot  of  Bachmann EMUs  thro my  hands  since  they appeared,  I have  digitized  them  all,  nice  finger  nail  job  on  some  of  the tighter  bodies!!



Anyway in the  early  days  there  were  a  couple  which  juddered slightly ? intermittant  running flashing  lights  etc.


I found  the  cause to be  that  the  decoder  had become  slightly displaced  on  the 21 pin  plug  and  was  not  lying  perfectly  horizontally,   the  solution  was to  add  a small piece  of  card  or plastic  sheet  under  the  decoder  at  the  non sockect  end  ( where it  is  not  supported) to prevent  it  sagging,  no problems  ever  since,


The original  cause  of the  problem may  have  been  vibration in  use  and  not  ensuring  the  decoder  was fully  engaged   with  the  pins.


This  applies  to  4 CEP, 2EPB, MLV  & Thumpers    although the   gap under  the  non spported  end  varies slightly

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I would have guessed dirty wheels or pickups, but Steve's suggestion above could almost certainly give some of the same symptoms through intermittent contact on the decoder pins.


I haven't encountered this problem on any of my Bachmann EMUs myself, although there have been occasional reports from others on these forums regarding loss of contact between the electrical "pillars" on the bogies and the sprung contacts on the PCBs above (this applies to all of the Bachmann DMUs as well).

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Thats  a  good  point  SR MAN  I had  probs  with  one exactly  the  same, took  a  bit  of  manipulating  to  fix  as   access  is  a  little  tight  under chassis/ over   power  bogie,  

Always  worth  also  checking  the  power transfer between  non powered  bogie and  chassis    also

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Hi guys


Thanks for your replies. I did have a go at cleaning the track as thought that might have been a cause.


Back to breaking nails and sweating ( and swearing ) not to break anything else and have a look inside.


Thanks again

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi guys


Thanks for your replies. I did have a go at cleaning the track as thought that might have been a cause.


Back to breaking nails and sweating ( and swearing ) not to break anything else and have a look inside.


Thanks again


It's easy to get the body off by sliding 4 old credit cards/store cards etc. between the sides and the chassis.  That way nails are preserved!  Don't forget the two screws under the cab - not present on other models such as the 4CEP.


I would first check the unit with it upside down in a cradle/foam piece etc.  Apply two wires to each axle and see if it runs.


I recently had a problem with one of mine: it was running in consist with another and I noticed that every so often the lights would go out for a couple of seconds whilst it was running but the motor wouldn't miss a beat. Tried it in a cradle but applying DCC power to the trailer wheels didn't work. I even removed the trailing bogie and applied wires directly to the copper tabs (ie direct to the PCB) but still no response with DCC, but fine if I applied DC.  I could get it to run on DCC applying wires to one of the driving axles only. To cut a long story short I eventually concluded the PCB had become faulty and ordered a replacement from Bachmann.  It's been fine ever since. Incidentally there was so much gunge on the other driving axle it needed a really good clean to get rid of it.  Wheel treads themselves were squeaky clean.


I have 4 2EPBs and have never been able to get them to work satisfactorily with Lenz Silver21 decoders - most noticeably if running in a consist.  Very erratic running indeed even after I'd gone to the palaver of removing the 3 capacitors.  But they work fine with Hornby Sapphires.  Might be a problem with your Lais decoder, which allegedly is a copy of a TCS decoder.

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For  info  the  MLV  ( Motor luggage  van)  has  4  screws   2  at  each  end  which  makes  body  removal  easier,  always  worth  remembering  with  the  MLV that  it  is  a little  lighter  and  benefits  from some  additional  ballast  at  the  non powered  end  , when  fitting   the  decoder, ( helps to keep the    unit level on the  track  and aids power  transfer  from the non powered  bogie)


I have  never  had  any  problems  with  Lenz Silver decoders   with  any  Bachmann  EMUs

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I'm with Stevelewis on the Lenz decoders. I found the running to be superb with these decoders and have standardised all of my Bachmann EMU and DEMU stock on them (apart from one LokSound-fitted one).

I also found the Lenz Standard+ 8-pin decoders work extremely well in Hornby's EMUs, so standardised on those for the 8-pin fittings.

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