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GWR Angled Valancing


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  • RMweb Gold

Apart from Scalelink is there any other suppliers in 4mm for angled valencing.Slaters, Ratio and Scalelink do straight pieces but I need angled for a footbridge build.Brass or plastic please.

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Apart from Scalelink is there any other suppliers in 4mm for angled valencing.Slaters, Ratio and Scalelink do straight pieces but I need angled for a footbridge build.Brass or plastic please.

Hi Rob,

I'd go with Mike on that one, they have a good turnaround on products and extremely helpful.



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I have previously commissioned York Modelmaking to provide two differing angle valancings using my drawings. These were of matching GWR pattern to those of the straight pattern already available from York Modelmaking.


The first was to a slope of 1 in 2 for use on a footbridge and the second was for a slope of 1 in 5.5 for use on an isolated waitingroom/toilet block. Both of these were produced for right and left hand applications.


If either of these would be of use to you, I am sure York Modelmaking would be able to supply you. I still have the original drawings if York Modelmaking have not retained these.  


Good Luck



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  • RMweb Gold



I have previously commissioned York Modelmaking to provide two differing angle valancings using my drawings. These were of matching GWR pattern to those of the straight pattern already available from York Modelmaking.


The first was to a slope of 1 in 2 for use on a footbridge and the second was for a slope of 1 in 5.5 for use on an isolated waitingroom/toilet block. Both of these were produced for right and left hand applications.


If either of these would be of use to you, I am sure York Modelmaking would be able to supply you. I still have the original drawings if York Modelmaking have not retained these.  


Good Luck


That sounds promising however I can't see them on their website.




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As I commissioned these as 'specials' to my drawings and as I have not been approached for permission to add these to their range, I would not expect them to be included in their catalogue. You will need to make your own enquiries.

For reference the pattern number for the straight valancing was OO-VAL104.



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