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Sixteen Inch Bagnall in 7mm

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not new to scratchbuilding, I've made all the buildings on my current and previous three layouts, I've scratchbuilt a few wagons and one small diesel loco (Ruston 44/48HP) but this will be the first time I've built a steam loco.


Although I enjoy building stuff I do tend to think that it's a waste of time if something is already available as a RTR or a kit, so I've picked a subject that, as far as I know, is neither of those. It's also ugly and brutal enough to stand out and I want something that no one else has got (watch someone now post one they did earlier!) because everyone has an Ixion or Minerva whatever.


Bagnall 2907 of 1947.


Photo, by Roger West, taken from the Industrial Railway Record from June 1978.


It's going to be a mix of materials - whatever I think is appropriate - but be mostly plasticard and brass. Wheels, gearbox and motor will obviously be bought in.


Progress may be very slow or I may just go mad and push on with it as I tend to do in an all or nothing way. We'll see...

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