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Blog- On The Workbench - Midhurst - cattle wagons galore.

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Whilst my client was away on holiday, he asked me to complete some kits he'd started - all in whitemetal, from '5&9' who do a great range of early LBSC 'Stroudley' cattlewagons. There appear to be sufficient in the range to model most of the variants (I'm not an 'LBSC' man, so don't take my word for it...)


One of the problems is the buffing gear. Its brilliant (if you want a static model) but not so good if you want to operate.




Cast in whitemetal, the buffer shanks are EXTREMELY thin and




they break... The shanks are about 0.08" in diameter - so,




I drilled out the buffers, and the stocks


and then re-assembled them with 0.08" brass wire....




12 times!


Still ,'jobs a good'un' as they say -




and I hope my client will be pleased with the result!


It's also worth noting the lack of 'company lettering' - in the 1840's illiteracy rates were quite high, and the 'LBSC' rresolved this by placing an 'illiteracy mark' on their wagons. That's it, top left. I understand the practice ceased in the 1860's-70's as literacy rates improved - due no doubt by the legal requirement for children to attend 'National Schools' for five hours per day between the ages of five and eleven...

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