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Collett Goods Backhead and cab floor

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Right, I managed to purchase off ebay a spare 2251 body of Bachmann origin with the nice chimney, but sadly it is missing it's backhead and cab floor. I also have a Mainline 2251 body that will be needing a backhead. 


To whom do I turn for them? 


Also some good pictures of the prototype would be useful to aid in detailing them all. 


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Collin at Gibson Workshop does a small and large Belpair boiler back head cast in whitemetal.

I think the small one will be suitable.

Cab floor - plasticard.


Gordon A


Anybody used one of the above? I would have thought small would mean 14xx and large would be King/Castle and neither therefore really suitable for the 2251? 


I might make the cab floor in brass as part of the chassis as it's a Comet one. 

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Going off topic slightly, thank you VERY much for that link. I've never been that fond of the Collett Goods (prefer the Dean version, or Armstrong, or Gooch), but there is also a very full and useful folder of detail shots of 1450, which is very useful as I really hope I can soon get started on my Perseverance/High Level version.


Thanks again

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