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Blog- Barry Ten's GWR/WR Blog - Spring module - scenic tweaks and off-stage scenery.

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Just a quickie here to show some progress on the reworked "spring module", which to be honest is looking a lot more like early summer than in its earlier manifestation, but perhaps no bad thing as at least it's less miserable than the actual summer...


Track was reballasted, which went well initially then horribly wrong, when the black card I'd used under the track in places, to shim the C+L, reacted with the dilute glue and began to stain the ballast a fetching shade of dark blue! After much aggravation and gnashing of teeth, I resprayed the whole lot in warm grey, then painstakingly re-painted the sleepers and rails.


Once that was sorted, a fair bit of time was spent working on the scenic transition between the farm scene and the backscene. The fence seen in the background here is a 2mm scale one, glued directly to the backscene, but I think it works pretty well as a piece of forced perspective. I also carried on the scenery beyond the module, so that there's something to be seen under the occupation bridge rather than just a dark rectangle. As with the similar dodge on the summer module (er, the later summer module) there's a small strip-light mounted off-stage to provide illumination to this area, so that it seems to be a continuation of the main backscene and associated details. As is evident from the photo, I still need to make a few tonal adjustments to the green under the bridge. The tractor is a Langley white metal kit.

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