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Track type hassles

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Help ... trying to work out what track is best to run Peco close coupled stock on particularly when it comes to curves ... the radius seems to have to be very gentle. I'm worried about derailment due to buffers catching.

I've plenty of stock and hope to be building a layout soon .. space has been an issue till now .. any ideas ... do Peco recommend anything suitable for running their stock ..

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  • RMweb Premium

I would suggest purchase a single piece of flexitrack and experiment to see how tight a radius you can get you trains to go round. 

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Great advice about the flexitrack. An expense you might not want to go for, but a selection of Tracksetta templates would make life easier too. One thing I have noticed, since watching some YouTube reviews of N gauge Spanish RENFE locos and rolling stock, is that a lot of layouts have such poorly laid track. It's a miracle that stock doesn't derail constantly on the straight, never mind curves. No disrespect is meant to the owners of such layouts, but it is absolutely vital that you take time and care to lay track as level as you can, and no kinks or tight spots whatsoever. Also consider a transition into the tightest of your curves. Particularly important with close-coupled stock. As Kris says above, there's no substitute for experimentation. Good luck.

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