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APT on the One Show


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Just watched a ten minute piece on the One Show on BBC 1 about the APT, very interesting with good footage and a short interview with Kit Spackman , our own Mr tilt.

For a change it showed the APT in a positive light with a very sympathetic view to how it was treated by the media and the government .

Made a bit of a change from the usual ridicule.

Well done One Show !



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  • RMweb Premium

Yep . Enjoyed the clip . I remember it back in 1981 introduced in the middle of one of the coldest winters in years. Such a shame . Although having power car in the middle and duplicate facilities either side was not smart

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The more I see the APT the more I like it.

Modern , technologically advanced and actually pretty good looking .....

Why are so many ground breaking British designs and ideas doomed to fail in the public eye , only to be successfully relaunched by foreign manufacturers and then be lauded as " the ideas and work of geniuses" conveniently forgetting where the origins are from.

Sorry about the rant ! Just irritated at great opportunities lost.



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  • RMweb Gold

Our rabid print media would have quite a lot to do with it, and the British love of knocking down any poppies that might get too tall. Launching the public service in mid-winter was pretty risky though....I doubt it had been done before and most definitely not since.

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