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GWR Permanent Way Details

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I have a general interest in railway engineering and perway am about to experiment with hand building GWR track in 7mm using C & L and Exactoscale components.


I am aware that a series of lectures was given by F.T. Bowler to the South Wales section of the Permanent Way Institution in 1923 entitled "The Great Western Railway Permanent Way Practice".  Can anyone please provide a link to where a transcript of these lectures could be viewed?


Thanks in advance for your assistance.







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There is a fair bit of info on the Templot forum site, including details of a book on GW track, published by the Great Western Study Group, which although it has for the 4 mm modeller in the title is mostly general information suitable for all scales.

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https://www.thepwi.org/  is the web site for the institution. 

Try their "contact us" for information with a little about yourself and why you want the information.

You can't search the site unless you are a (Paid-up!) member  (Quote:- "Students and apprentices welcome")

They still seem to produce a magazine so may have a library to consult. ----- Just realised that access to their library may be difficult for you down  under!

Ask nicely and they MIGHT send you a copy of the relevant pages, IF they were recorded in print.


For others in the UK the British Library at Kew may have copies of the institution's  Magazines to consult


J.N.Slinn's book "Great Western Way" (ISBN 0 902835 03 3) has a short chapter on permanent way, but may not be comprehensive enough for the OP's requirements.

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That article is not on line to my knowledge.


Have you got "GWR Switch and crossing Practice" by David J Smith, a more comprehensive look. Published by the Great western Study Group. No ISBN.

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  • RMweb Premium


Just had a quick look on Scalefour website - Don't think you have to be a member - I think there is more information than anybody could reasonably need. Look no further than http://www.scalefour.org/resources/gwrtracknotes

Which is essentially the same as I linked to in post #2 except my set has a few more sheets, as i had some extra contributions during a period when it was dropped from the Scalefour site.

Also the pics here dated 2000 were taken at Old Oak Common at an open day in the old sidings before they were lifted.


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I have a general interest in railway engineering and perway am about to experiment with hand building GWR track in 7mm using C & L and Exactoscale components.


I am aware that a series of lectures was given by F.T. Bowler to the South Wales section of the Permanent Way Institution in 1923 entitled "The Great Western Railway Permanent Way Practice".  Can anyone please provide a link to where a transcript of these lectures could be viewed?


Thanks in advance for your assistance.






As DonB suggests, a printed version of these lectures is available at The National Archives, Kew (the British Library is at St Pancras). It's in their library rather than part of the archives per se but it's there, together with other potentially interesting items including runs of the Permanent Way Institution's journals:




Obviously this is probably less than useful for you in Australia. When I stuck the title into a search engine, however, a spreadsheet from the PWI came up: https://www.thepwi.org/uploads/journal_articles_archive_may_2015


At the top of this is the suggestion to contact the secretary (email address in the spreadsheet) for a copy of any article listed in their archive. Perhaps this is the best route?



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