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Track design via websites


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Apologies in advance if this is in completely the wrong location..!


I'm looking at building a layout in the near future for my sons. The problem (or dilemma!) I have is the design stage. I'm aware of the various pieces of software that can be downloaded to design the layout, but this is my issue - I use a Chromebook (for a number of reasons) and, unfortunately, this means I can't download the likes of SCARM etc due to the limitations of the computer.


Is anyone aware of any design package that can be used online only, via a website/portal?


The idea I have is a big one, hence wanting to use CAD for it!





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You can use Sketch Up online  however, I've not used it personally, and it is a beta version so you have to request an invite... Potentially not the best solution, but it's could be an option?


Thanks mate. Used to use Sketchup on Mac and love it - wasn't aware of a beta version going live though..! Thanks for that.


Not sure if that'll provide any accurate layout design trackwork etc? That's *really* what I'm looking for 

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