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British Rail shop?

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Does anyone remember a British Rail, for want of a better word, junk shop near Euston station that sold anything and everything. I believe it was in Eversholt St and has long since gone. I just wondered if anyone else knew it and what happened to it?

I remember going there as a kid and wanting to but all sorts of stuff!



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  • RMweb Premium

It was called 'Collectors Corner' and you could get all sorts of things there. I'm assumign it went at privatisation.


I believe it did manage to survive for quite some time after BR had ceased to exist, but was eventually forced out of its Euston home by Railtrack to make way for more profitable tenants and IIRC ended up trading in York for its last few months of existence.


Its demise was in reality not unexpected - the whole reason it was set up in the first place was to flog off things BR didn't want for a bit of cash. Once the various bits of BR had sold off, disposal of redundant equipment became similarly fragmented with each new owner disposing if such material themselves (be it to landfill, recycling or donation).

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I was in the York shop in the early 1980s buying a block instrument from a very poor selection and a couple of BR stores blokes came in with 2 wheelbarrows full of LNER instruments! I Hurriedly put back the wooden BR standard instrument  I'd chosen and waited patiently for the contents of the barrows to arrive on the shelf! Happy days..


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  • RMweb Gold

Does anyone rember the address?



Cardington Street rings a bell and if I recall correctly, there was a "Cardington" totem hanging up in the office.


I bought my first ever totem there (Avonmouth Dock, still got it too), in about 1978 for £13.50. That may seem cheap now, but my take home pay was only £20 a week!


I also remember there being several "Western" nameplates for sale at about £500 a time, but that was way out of my price range. With hindsight, I wish I'd borrowed the money off my dad and bought one!






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  • RMweb Premium

I remember Cardington St, it was a former LNWR stables block loft I think.


Back in the 1970s you could pick up carriage side elevation drawings & diesel loco weight diagrams for 25p each or so, plus other stuff. i still have some tucked away. There was a lot of tat. I have a BR rule book etc. Happy days?



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  • RMweb Premium

Back in the mid 60s I sent a letter to Swindon with a ten shilling postal order asking for a real 'engine drivers cap'. They sent me back a grease top cap complete with BR (W) enamel badge. I've still got it. Doesn't fit my big head now though.

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I used to arrange meetings in London for the morning so at lunch time I could go for a curry in Drummond Street (just west of Euston) and then visit collector's corner. Happy days. Another jaunt used to be on the train to Carsholton Beeches to get photographs from Lens of Sutton.

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