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Unidentified Boilers at Crewe Heritage Centre


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Following a recent trip to Crewe Heritage Centre, me and a friend have become stuck on the identities of the following boilers, which were outside the Boiler shop.

No1: Judging by the number of wash-out plugs, and angling of the Firebox, we deduced that this boiler was most likely a Bulleid Merchant Navy class example. However, which member of the class we don't know. Both 35022 and 35027 have reportedly been moved to Crewe, so these are the most likely candidates. As far as we've been able to find out, 35028's is being done 'in-house' within LNWR Crewe, so it's unlikely to be from that loco.



No2: Okay, we literally have no idea. Judging by the narrow-ish diameter, and short round-top Firebox, we made an estimate at a fairly older design of loco (though we could be, and probably are, wrong).



No3: My friend suggested this to be the boiler from a Small Prairie (4500/4575) class, and as far as I can tell (being no expert on Western Locos) he's possibly right.



Any help would be appreciated.



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Not sure I can help you there, but the new build boiler for The Unknown Warrior (45551) should also be kicking around there somewhere.


Possible thought on Boiler No 2, could it be from a WD 2-10-0?


Wild Boar Fell


Not a WD 2-10-0 boiler as they have a wide firebox. 2-8-0 maybe but the firebox is too straight sided.  Looks like something from the 'south'.


Dave Franks

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Were MN boilers riveted or welded? BB/WC boilers are all welded.

The Fireboxes were welded in construction, as per the Light Pacifics. But I don't know about the Boiler itself.


Me and my friend both muted that the second boiler could be from a WD 2-10-0, but as suggested, discounted it as the firebox was straight-sided unlike the 2-10-0's. We also thought it was possibly an S15's, but doesn't an S15's curve inwards towards the base?





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The Fireboxes were welded in construction, as per the Light Pacifics. But I don't know about the Boiler itself.



I thought that the Merchant's had a conventional riveted foundation ring whilst the West Country/Battle of Britain's had a rolled-and-welded type?


Maybe an email with the pics direct to Crewe might get the info required.

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Not sure I can help you there, but the new build boiler for The Unknown Warrior (45551) should also be kicking around there somewhere.


Possible thought on Boiler No 2, could it be from a WD 2-10-0?


Wild Boar Fell

The boiler for The Unknown Warrior is being assembled in the new works and is not on public view. Due for completion and delivery by the end of next January.

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.... the second boiler could be ...possibly an S15's, but doesn't an S15's curve inwards towards the base?


The S15 boiler was shared with the N15 as well. The first ring is supposed to be tapered slightly, and the smokebox is a built-up type, not a drumhead as shown in the photo. Hence boiler 2 cannot be from the N15/S15.


What other surviving boilers (apart from the WD 2-8-0) have a drumhead / cylindrical smokebox plus a round-topped firebox? The only one I can think of immediately is a Diag 100 or 100A for the B1 / B17 (but the firebox looks a bit too small for those classes), 

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Definitely not a WD boiler; safety valve mount is in the wrong place and there's no trace of a top feed on the front ring.  Doesn't look to be enough washout plugs for a B1 either.

Although I'll be happy to be corrected on that.

I know it's not very helpful, sorry!

Jon F

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