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Blog- Holloway Goods - Checking the design before laying any track - 2

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Since the last entry I have proceeded with the simuation of the layouts operation.


looking at the sequence of the incline opeeration, in the first posting, I have noticed that there is a slight error, in that the operation from the yard loop to the hidden loop should have a brake van at the back of the train. This sequence will be modified to rectify this.


The simulation has now been split into two parts so it can be downloaded! Click on the link below to see the shunting simulation.



To start the simulation of the shunting operations, click on the link below.



Click on the above image to view part 1 of the Goods Train Simulation.



Click on the above image to view part 2 of the Goods Train Simulation.


I could not upload the goods train and shunting sequence to rmweb, because the file is too large. I will have to examine it and re-edit it before it cn be uploaded.


I have also had he thought that, the siding at the back and the loop, could be replaced with a cassette and two disconnected sidings.



The spare stock siding is to allow for changes to be made in the incline operation. Explosives for quarrying operations were conveyed in covered wagons and water was moved up the incline, to supply the stationary engines, locomotives and houses associated with the railway. At the highest part of the railway, water supplies were very limited, especially in the height of summer.


The DMU or Push Pull reversal sidings will have to be extended, as currently they are too short, to allow the train to go completely off scene.



Attached thumbnail(s)
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  • blogentry-20065-0-71823900-1469639300.gi

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