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Blog- Holloway Goods - Checking the design before laying any track - 3

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Instead of the complicated pointwork in the fiddleyard, this could be replaced wih the arrangement shown below.This would require a Peco Loco Lift to be regauged to N Gauge.



The format of a fiddleyard is very much driven by the personal prefences of the builder, there is no right or wrong design.


The scenic section will be built on a box, which will be built to fit into the toolbox.



The background is a simply blue painted on.



View blockers have been added at both side of the scene, on the left is a building. This existed in the real location, it was a workshop to repair wagons, the right blocker is a group of tree. These tress don't block the view completly, like the building, but they will help desguise the train entry hole inn the backscene.



The final one shows the blue background being replaced with a photographic one taken in the Peak District.



The simulation show a train of empties entering the scene, from the junction wih the main line.



Attached thumbnail(s)
  • blogentry-20065-0-74905200-1469724961.jp
  • blogentry-20065-0-20182500-1469724086.jp
  • blogentry-20065-0-68481700-1469724093.jp
  • blogentry-20065-0-77027500-1469724100.jp
  • blogentry-20065-0-81181300-1469724895.gi

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