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Motorised Hornby Tender Advice anyone ...

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I'm hoping to replace the solid plain tender wheels on my older Hornby STOWE three pole Ringfield motorised tender with black solid centre spoked type as part of a project.

This is the brainpick part .. replacement wheels for older locos are in short supply or not available .. did get 2 pair sets of 2 pairs from Peters Spares .. HOWEVER. . The fun bit is the centre pair with the finer flange.

Is it possible just to use a regular flange set here or will this cause running or worse still power issues .... help !!

Thanks in advance :)



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HI Theakker ... I'm still at the collecting stock stage .. hoping to do as 'real' as possible,track eventually probably end to end with a fiddle yard. ... would there be any power issues as I'm not sure which wheels collect power ..


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