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Shunt Signal Question

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Sorry to raise the dreaded question of signalling again, I am specifically stuck with 'shunt' signal positioning, my layout has a double track mainline with a junction, I can signal the main line without a problem. Along side this is a single bi-directional goods only line with some sidings attached (maybe containers who knows as yet). I have positioned 3 GPL lights at the toe of each point in the sidings and the point at which the sidings enter the goods line as shown below.


Simple first question is this correct?


Second question is, as I am modelling 1980 - 2000 period would these be the red/white or yellow/white types?






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  • RMweb Gold

Single Red +white / double white were used in the North West until renewed with double red / double white.


You may want to look at the signalling again, the shunt to the left is in a strange place (may be just the drawing)

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm only going on my local experience here but having the signal at the toe of the points works in some cases with hand points when then entering controlled signalling but if they are controlled from the box they might be more like this.



otherwise this arrangement?




Probably a catch before the goods line too.

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  • RMweb Gold



In that case, lets say NW England, ex LMS




In which case I would go with Paul's second sketch but would have a running signal with a sub at the entrance to the sidings instead of just a GPL as drawn by Paul.  Campaign replacement of red+white (or yellow+white) with a double colour didn't really get underway until the second half of the 1990s and later.

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