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DJH O gauge Britannia loco kit

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I've almost decided to purchase an O gauge DJH Britannia kit, but before parting with the cash, could anyone please give me their opinion on the kit re. how accurate it is and what pitfalls etc.there might be ?

I've considered the Acme kit but I've read that there might be problems during assembly, but it does have a brass boiler which appeals, but are the boiler and smokebox pre-rolled ? The firebox sounds a bit tricky to get right and one of Acme's photograghs shows, to my eyes, a "droopy" cab

The DJH kit has a cast whitemetal boiler etc. and for me that proposes a slight problem, as I've never seriously attempted low-melt soldering and I'd be reluctant to give it a go with such an expensive boiler etc. So it would be glue of some type for the boiler fittings etc.

Would it be wise to add some form of suspension to the driving and tender wheels for good measure and if so, can anyone recommend suitable horn guides / blocks please. I would be using Slater's wheels - as a matter of interest only, does anyone provide a turning service to covert these wheels to ScaleSeven standards ?

Would it be appropriate to use an ABC gearbox and Portescap motor with this kit please, not only for low-revving torque qualities, but more importantly for quiet running ?  Or should I consider an alternative gearbox and motor for better results please ?

Any help, guidance or comments would be greatly appreciated ?

Thank you,


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I owned a DJH Brit, easy enough to construct, I thought, but sold it on and haven't had another yet.


There are folk about who will turn Slater's wheels to S7, arew you a member of S7 society?


Look at ABC motor gearboxes, also the ex Ron Chaplin range, now marketed by MSC I'm not a big fan of Portescap, there are stronger motors out there esp for the weight of a DJH kit.


Have you looked at Seven models?

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Thanks for the information.


I'm not a member of the S7 Society, because I'm not 100% committed.


I've looked at Seven / Severn Models and they don't seem to do loco kits now - only greenhouses and wheelbarrows etc

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  • RMweb Gold


I've looked at Seven / Severn Models and they don't seem to do loco kits now - only greenhouses and wheelbarrows etc.


Different company all together.

Not sure the 7mm loco people, Scorpio Models, incorporating Seven Models, have a website. They have adverts in the 0 gauge guild publications that give an e-mail address scorpio7uk at gmail.com and a phone number 01633 279897.

I have their Clan I have sort of started and there was a build of their Duke of Gloucester on this forum. The Duke construction will have been very similar and I am happy so far with the Clan but I haven't really got very far with it yet

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Thank you for all your comments.

Having read a number of "topics" on various kits from several manufacturers, I sometimes wonder if the manufacturers build a prototype of their kits before releasing them for sale. Some appear to be worse than others, one manufacturer in particular apparently offers two kits which seem to be horrendous to build.

When I read of fettling, removing, adjusting, replacing etc.I wonder sometimes if it's all worth the trouble, considering in most cases an outlay of several hundred pounds. 

The kits that David Andrews produces seem to be the exception - are there any others that I've missed reading about ? I hope so !

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Connoisseur by Jim Mcgeown are excellent kits. He is also very helpful if you have problems.




Thank you for all your comments.

Having read a number of "topics" on various kits from several manufacturers, I sometimes wonder if the manufacturers build a prototype of their kits before releasing them for sale. Some appear to be worse than others, one manufacturer in particular apparently offers two kits which seem to be horrendous to build.

When I read of fettling, removing, adjusting, replacing etc.I wonder sometimes if it's all worth the trouble, considering in most cases an outlay of several hundred pounds. 

The kits that David Andrews produces seem to be the exception - are there any others that I've missed reading about ? I hope so !

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Thank you for all the information.

Does anyone have any knowledge of the MMP Britannia O gauge kit please, which apparently was produced quite a few years ago,

I know that it had a resin firebox and also a rolled brass boiler and smokebox.

Is there a potograph of a completed model please ?

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