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I think I'm getting close to laying track


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So after a move, I am now the proud owner of my own space to devote to trains.

The room is 12'x12' and now partly occupied by 3 baseboards. The rest are still to be built.

Eventually, it will give a full continuous run of approximately 40'.

I know I want to keep it firmly representing East Anglia, but pinning down an exact area seems problematical.

Trouble is, I want it all....station for shunting but also the ability to run full length trains, all set in the transition period.

Any ideas folks?



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Hi Ed

Ely looks to be slightly too grand for my taste. Small market towns or village stations suit me better.....

I can model countryside quite well, but having to do a town-scape is beyond my abilities I fear.

Gorleston station would be ideal if it was in a more rural setting or something like Reedham possibly compressed somewhat.

I'll see if I can track down anything related to Wickham market on the net as books are not the easiest thing to get over here in the States unless I get a second mortgage to pay shipping costs.

Many thanks for your speedy reply.

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  • RMweb Premium

Saxmundham, would make a good model with some unusual features. The platforms were staggered and the goods yard was opposite the up platform and station building. It was also the junction for the Aldeburgh branch.


Photo here - note the branch junction in the distance.

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Flying Pig!

Now that has real possibilities....it certainly looks GER.

I'll have to check the few books that I have to see if I have more information and maybe a track plan.

A quick google turned up a few good photos including a very interesting one of a steam loco complete with snow plough and several good pics of the station itself.


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Wroxham (not its full name) seems interesting to me. And I have personal history with Westerfield & Woodbridge.


East Anglia was bursting with secondary routes and the like. The M&GN in Norfolk, the numerous different lines to Maldon in Essex...

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I've just spent the last 30 minutes trawling the net for any useful info regarding Wroxham and Hoveton station with very poor results.

Lines North of Norwich don't feature in any of the books that I have and Google Earth is no help as any and all signs of sidings have been obliterated by new building, but thanks for the suggestion all the same.



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Saxmundham is quite well covered in one of the books that I have including a track diagram complete with signaling.

Eye looks as if it would be cramped on my 2' wide base boards.....I'll have to try it in mock up.

If all else fails, I might just go with a fictional station based very heavily on Gorleston as a terminus station just short of a junction.

Whatever I decide, work will commence soon, having just ordered another 30 yards of track

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I gave it some thought today and think that I will move the junction further around the layout. With a little bit of juggling, I think the junction can be made to look better ( as if the lines really do split.

This will give an additional 8 feet of branch line at least.

I'll have a fiddle with anyrail tonight and post it for consideration.




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Considering the amount of space you have a lot of very plain, straight track. Not necessarily a bad thing, but seems to lack operational interest to me.

I don't know if you've checked previous posts, but there is a branch terminus involved here too. Unfortunately, the free version of anyrail will only allow a total of 50 pieces of track so the layout is shown in a couple of sections due to it being 2 different files.

The outer loop is just for continued running. Operational interest is derived from the branch terminus.

Post #17 shows the rest of the layout.




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  • RMweb Premium

Your plans have developed nicely and this could turn into a real cracker of a layout. 


Nothing wrong with lots of plain straight track, after all that's what much of a railway really is. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Coming from your neck of the woods (but living else where now) I am enjoying watching your plans and layout progressing. I have just started my first layout following a 30 + year break and am basing the system loosely on Ipswich station and goods yard. I have roughly the same space as you and therefore a certain amount of artistic licence is required. My era is around the early eighties (my train spotting days) so features the BR blue diesels.

Hints and tips are always welcome when starting a new layout but at the end of the day, it is your layout and whilst some might criticise you for your design and features, it is you that will have control of it and you that will enjoy your hard work and time spent creating your desired goal.

Keep up your good work and keep us posted.



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