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Blog- Torrington in N - This is not going to be a dull layout to operate

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My trainsim days have given me a taste for authentic modelling of railway operations. Fortunately BR(S) modellers are well blessed with the necessary material, starting with the Southern Email Group's timetable archives at https://uk.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SEmG/files/MartinWhiteCollection/ (you may need to join the group to access these)


For Torrington I also have the Xpress publication "District Controllers View No. 14: North Devon" - this wonderful series really brings the dusty world of WTTs, CWNs and EWNs to life and adds lots of colour and operational detail.


Taking all these together I now have a WTT for Summer 1961 that shows 42 arrivals and departures at Torrington including 28 passenger, 6 mixed passenger/goods serving the Halwill Jct line, 4 goods, 3 Light Engine and 1 parcels. There are 13 trains conveying through coaches to/from Waterloo. The carriage working notices give me the passenger train formations and tell me that the longest train was the morning Atlantic Coast Express departure with 7 coaches, and that I'd need a minimum of 35 items of coaching stock (!) to operate the full schedule. The 7 Engine diagrams were covered by 6 Ivatt 2MTs and one M7 from Barnstaple (Torrington shed closed in 1959), but with a little modellers license I can assign a couple of those to a WC and an N class.


I now have a clear idea of what rolling stock I will need together with some important parameters for my layout planning.


No doubt some pruning will be required, but clearly this is not going to be a dull layout to operate.

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