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Blog- Modelling the 1947 GWR in P4 and OO - 4292 respray pt1

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A long time back I picked up a pre production Hornby 42xx l which was missing a few parts (and hadn't been painted). The original plan was to add a brassmasters chassis and convert to a Severn tunnel junction 52xx with outside steam pipes which would somehow be used on Kites Croft.


Now it's finally at the top of the pile for a conversion to a St Blazey based loco for use on Brent. The idea is that it will run on a freight working on its way to Newton Abbot works for an overhaul. (I'm tempted to do the same loco In Ex works GWR green for the return working...


For something different the loco will be finished in wartime black livery, although the wartime shutters have already been removed.


The model has already been fitted with the detail etches from Brassmasters. Today I sprayed the loco into black, although did have a couple of issues when the black paint ran out as I sprayed the bunker. A touch up with the brush sorted it.


The loco now needs a lubricator cover and chimney adding (on the shopping list for Scaleforum) along with new plates.


The bufferbeams still need painting red, a job I have more than a little concern about given how badly red paint seems to cover.

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