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FILM The Challenge & The Longmoor Military Railway


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Just  half  watched  a film on    TALKING  PICTURES  TV  SKY  343   Called   The  Challenge  B & W  made  1960


Toward  the  end  ( last  15 mins)  it  has  shots  obviously  made  on  the   LMR  Longmoor Military  Railway  with  some good  footage  of  'Gordon'  the   WD  2-8-0  travelling  at  speed  and   also shot  of  a WD 0-6-0T


The  film  will no doubt be shown  again soon.



Some  good railway interest  films on  the  channel,  how  many  remember  the  Thumpers  on  'Cool It Carol'  mind  you theres  other  things in that  film which may stir  memories!!

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