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Best Sounding Racecars Bikes or even Aircraft

The Blue Streak

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There's been a bit of discussion on another thread about the less than inspiring noise made by current F1 Cars. So if you think you've heard a better sounding race car or bike or even Aircraft (because lets face it something like a Merlin on Full Noise sounds pretty good).


I'll start with this Gem off the Web. A Formula 5000 on a Dyno in NZ, it really kicks off at the 30 second mark.



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Wow Pat,

That BRM sounds like a million bucks. About the 2.16 mark when it goes past and the Audio goes Left to right. and again at the 3.40 and so on. It's just spine tingling. You can hear it the whole way around the track.

Just Fantastic. Like Pornography for Your ears ............and then the in car starts and it goes to a whole new level :O.

Thanks !!!!!


Edit -The Napier Bentley after the BRM was a bit like trying to follow Elvis Presley on stage. Good effort but what an act to follow

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  • RMweb Premium

Yo want some noise, then please  listen to a twin turbo charged 26 diesel engine linked to a 6 forward 2 reverse semi automatic box with full electronic engine control...



ermm.. and yes it does do about 1mpg on a good day...


and I used to hear them all day every day when I worked at the Barnbow Tank Factory

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The Beast of Turin was pretty exciting at Prescott and the local hill climb last year, huge noise and flames.




And I always had a soft spot for the MG Metro 6r4




For bikes any Harley does it for me, particularly if you can hear them coming from a mile or so away, just wish I had one in my trike instead of a crappy CX 500




For aircraft last years fly past by the Vulcan had to be the most awesome noise I had ever heard, it shook the ground.





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Can't post any links, so... Porsche 917 at full chat, Lola T70 trying to overtake the 917, Supermarine Spitfire. The latter is no doubt an easily brought to mind cliche but a two seater Spit flew over our gaff a couple of days ago, it was positively, undeniably a 'hairs on the back of your neck standing up' moment.


(Edit : with a very distinct nod and acknowledgement of the Vulcan.)

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  • RMweb Gold

For jets, Vulcan or Concorde, both lived up to the stories when you stood near them on takeoff.


Though it was something else when the two Lancs were together, it not only sounded amazing but hearing what so many ground crews heard as they roared off into the unknown was so poignant it beats even the jets.

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My fave engine sounds are (obviously) my vintage bus, a 1958 Leyland PD3, the extra 3 ft over a PD2 usually results in a longer exhaust giving a good "thwerrrrp"!

A hard driven Commer TS3 or Detroit V6 (as in the old Dublin Bus KD class) usually has what few hairs there are on the back of my neck standing up too.


Bikes: any Kwak 2 stroke triple, MV Agusta  triple or older style Triumph Trident. (Not keen on the Hinkley triples, far too many other noises going on!)


Years ago I had a Mark 2 Triumph 2.5PI that had been "modified" slightly. TR6 spec engine, 6-3-1 tubular exhaust manifold and a large bore straight through exhaust with one piddly little silencer about half way along. That used to howl nicely when hovering around the red line!


Jon F

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  • RMweb Premium

About 8-9 years ago I was at a motorcycle race meeting at East Fortune. I was in the pits as I was the guest of awell known racer and team manager.

I was told I could go where I liked.

I was talking to a chap and admiring his Honda when he asked me if I could hold it while he fired it up.

Never having been that close to a machine of that power before it was very impressive.

The chap was Dave Hailwood and it was one of his fathers machines.


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For cars I'll go a little left field ,any McLaren M8 can am car .....if you've heard them in anger you'll know .....

For aircraft as we've had Concorde and the Vulcan..... I'll go for the Lockheed L1011 TriStar on its first start of the day ......ooooh that RB211 rumble.....



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  • RMweb Gold

Got to agree with the metro 6R4 the best sounding car EVER

As for aircraft a B1b takes some beating on reheat take off , never heard one but a B58 must have sounded awesome ,four J79 phantom engines!

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I'm quite partial to the BMW straight 6, particularly in an M1.


I second the McLaren Can-Am car (or any of the big-block race cars of the day) although I've only seen them at vintage races.


A large Ferrari V-12 (like the 4.4 in a Daytona or a 365GTC/4) is also on the list.



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Can't post a link I'm afraid, but I used to go to Brisca stock car meetings a lot in the early 70s. 20 odd mostly Ford or Chevy V8s with zero silencing takes some beating! Haven't been since so don't know what they sound like now, but suspect they'll have had to fit silencers?

There was one particular car which sounded sweeter than all the others, just had a few feet of exhaust merging into a single pipe. If it was slightly off you could tell straight away.

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On the subject of jet aircraft, I have to admit to finding the current Typhoon somewhat spine-tingling.  It's just so damn loud: there's absolutely no mistaking that it's an in-your-face, get-up-there-and-put-the-sh!t-up-the-bad-guys-as-fast-and-as-hard-as-possible machine:




Plus it can do the most ridiculous manoeuvres.  I could swear I once saw one do the aerial equivalent of a handbrake turn at the start of its display: came in from the right, level along the display line at ~400knots, turned sharp right and f****d off away from us in a steep climb with reheat on full.  Makes you laugh and cry at the same time.


I once described the Typhoon to a friend of mine as being the most anti-social aircraft I'd seen.  He pointed out, with some justification, that sociability probably didn't appear anywhere on its list of requirements.  Compared to the Typhoon, the Tornado is quite soft and cuddly!

I wouldn't think of arguing with anyone who likes the Vulcan, though:
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Wow Pat,

That BRM sounds like a million bucks. About the 2.16 mark when it goes past and the Audio goes Left to right. and again at the 3.40 and so on. It's just spine tingling. You can hear it the whole way around the track.

Just Fantastic. Like Pornography for Your ears ............and then the in car starts and it goes to a whole new level :O.

Thanks !!!!!


Edit -The Napier Bentley after the BRM was a bit like trying to follow Elvis Presley on stage. Good effort but what an act to follow


The nice thing about the Napier Bentley is how completely casually it lights up the tyres whilst revving so slowly that each individual firing stroke is audible. :D.

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