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  • RMweb Premium

I found this on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262618684525?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2661&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT and it failed to attract any bids at £50 is it the MRC chip or am I being a noob again and missing something obvious? It has been relisted and I thought it might be a good birthday present for my 60th.

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Dear Ski,


CSX is not as popular a roadname as many of the Western roads, and yes the MRC decoders have a historical reputation that will turn off many modellers (reliability and sonic performance. Newer MRC offerings have improved things a bit, but reputation damage is always hard to recover from, even if "we've learned our lessons, and the new version has none of the problems of the old one" ). That B'mann didn't do MRC decoders as a"factory option" suggests the install may be aftermarket, with the resulting performance being unknown. Newer B'mann Dcc+sound offerings being rtr with cut-down TSU sound decoders had set a benchmark expectation which many modellers are happy with...


As a "cheap" sound-equipped loco, it may well be a pleasing buy, but the roadname/paintscheme and MRC decoder would not have done it any favours in the "impulse buy" market...


Happy Modelling,

Aim to Improve,

Prof Klyzlr


Ps they do not appear to be genuine KADEE metal couplers, rather "Kadee compatible knuckle-type" couplers

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  • RMweb Premium

The CSX bright future scheme is one of my favourite North American liveries, I thought it was a terrific livery. I have several models in that scheme, it is my favourite livery for GE wide cabs. For £50 it may be well worth a punt.

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I'm not so sure about the loco, but there's definitely something very strange about those "Lackamoney" coaches that he is also selling...


They are conversions of Walthers Viewliners. The 'cab control baggage' is a Viewliner sleeper with one sleeping bay converted to the baggage door while the 'coach' is the Viewliner Diner (which never went into service).



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