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Blog- St Ruth - Swindon 2016

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The dust has now settled after our trip to Swindon. An excellent show in the presence of some of the great products of Swindon Works. It was great that our roving reporter, Chris (MinerChris) was able to join us from Utah :). I hasten to add that Swindon was not the only reason for his trip. This morning we made the rather less fun journey to Heathrow so that he could catch his plane back 'over there' :(


There was some disturbance from the other side of the planked wall caused by a rather rowdy contingent from Wiltshire and Cornwall attached to 'St Blazey'.


Some photos....


This punter seemed to engage in a prolonged study of our efforts. I don't think he was happy with the rather narrow gauge and had he got close he probably wouldn't have be too impressed with the non 'billiard table' nature of our track in the vicinity of the baseboard joints.


I'm trying to persuade Ian that this should be his next project. He claimed to have forgotten his tape measure.


The behaviour of some of the operators really started to slide later in the show...


John Greenwood's delightful 'St Blazey'.

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