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War is a racket - Smedley Butler


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For the history/defence fans here is something that I had forgotten about until recently coming across it again. Smedley Butler was a Major General in the US Marine Corps and had a long and distinguished record. During the 1930s he made these comments about what he felt his service had achieved and the reasons for some of the actions taken by his country. If you have never heard of these Butler comments before I hope you find them of interest. 



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You wouldn't even have the basket if you were planning to invade the US....


To be quit honest I have has similar thoughts but for other reasons. Had we not gone to war in Afghanistan and spent the money on stopping  drug and human trafficking, I have often thought our country would be much safe. Yes we need an army to defend ourselves, including the ability to defend ourselves from cyber attacks, No to travelling half way across the world to fight others wars 

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Like it or no, having accidentally turned the world into a village it does need policing, and sometimes arrest and lock up isn't enough. There are worse things to go to war over than a system that has afforded more ordinary  people a decent shake in life than anything previously known. Definitely not perfect, not even approaching the ideal, frequently clumsy and misdirected, but probably the least worst option.

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Butler was also the leader to be installed after a proposed coup against President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933/4. He refused to go along with this, and made the plot public. How serious/practical the plot was is not clear.


There is quite a bit of information available online about the plot. Most is written from definite points of view. Wikipedia is probably (IMO) the most neutral - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot

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Whilst a village might need a policeman that individual shouldn't be self appointed but selected on merit.


 It is a good theory, the difficulty lies in implementation. The best acheved to date is the UN peacekeeping role. But the UN in this respect is headed up by a self appointed security council... Until an external unbiased arbitrator arrives, that's about the best possible.

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  • RMweb Gold

Whilst a village might need a policeman that individual shouldn't be self appointed but selected on merit.




Unfortunately one man's merit is another man's demerit


Subjective to say the least.

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