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Shunter high level break pipes


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Why no br blue shunters with tops code and high level break pipes for shunting emus as the southern is very popular and i suspect going to get more popular. These would be a good idear as the main manufacturers already have the main tooling. 07 being developed. Could be done in main catalogues or as limited editions and later in there lives but still in br blue went around the country so would appeal to more modelers then just the southern

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  • RMweb Premium

Hornby did a couple of versions with high level brake pipes some time ago




Apparently not good sellers so unlikely to be repeated



If they weren't good sellers, if someone can point me to a brand new R2419, that would be most welcome! I should have bought when they were around...!

There was also a Mainline Blue high level piped 09 for Modelzone. I'd love to see the recently retired Brighton Southern Green shunter.

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Awsome close up pictures makes me want 1 or 2 of these even more. The problem i have is they are not br blue and i am not good at painting. Can you get the pipes as spare parts from Hornby and just glue them on ?? Or do i need to wait for Hornby to do a blue 08 and 09

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  • RMweb Gold

Is it just a bit of extra pipework on a bog standard 08? What liveries would appear with high-level pipework?


A few bits of plastic rodding bent into the right shape with plastic card to form the mounting brackets, with wire for handles and a lick of paint should do the job.



(I don't have a need for one myself, so the above is left as an exercise for the reader...  :jester:  )

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Agreed about trying to do the pipes myself with bits of pipe but still worried. I can lay track do scenery but when it comes to modifying locos i always finish a bit disappointed. Think i will have to wait and pray to Hornby to do these fingers crossed

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